The Unbearable Jackieness of Blogging

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Waterfalls in Portland

When I went to visit Pam in Portland last month, we got to see some of the city's gorgeous waterfalls. Here's a (heavily edited) picture of one. It was pretty crazy to see the falls almost iced over, but it should have been a warning to us of the storm to come. I ended up being snowed in and having to wait until Monday morning to return home. Posted by Picasa


Wow, Tucson is beautiful. Here's a picture of a cactus from Sabino Canyon. I like this one because it looks like the cactuses you see in cartoons. I didn't see any coyotes on the trip, but I did see several roadrunners running across the road. They're very small and do not look like the cartoons.

I don't remember the exact numbers, but cactuses with arms are very old. They don't grow their first arm until around 70 years old I believe. It's amazing to realize that they really are trees.

Welcome to here

You've made it here. Thanks for visiting! To the left you can see a pretty picture of a rose that was in front of my house this summer. It smelled very nice when it was in bloom.